Hermosa Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Were you or a loved one injured in a motorcycle wreck in Hermosa Beach, CA? You may be entitled to a compensation award. At The Simon Law Group, an experienced Hermosa Beach motorcycle accident lawyer can help you, recover money for medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more. Contact us to schedule a free consultation today at (424) 722-3209.

Collectively, our legal team has more than 250 years of experience obtaining favorable outcomes. Over the years, our success rate includes winning over $600 million in settlements and verdicts for our injured clients.

How Can The Simon Law Group Help After a Motorcycle Accident in Hermosa Beach, CA?

How Can The Simon Law Group Help After a Motorcycle Accident in Hermosa Beach, CA?

Motorcycle accident victims are often in a difficult position. These wrecks have the potential to cause severe injuries. Insurance companies often make things more difficult than they need to be. Even if the insurance company makes a settlement offer quickly, how can you trust that it’s fair?

Our experienced Hermosa Beach personal injury attorneys at The Simon Law Group have the tools to protect you. We’ve been recognized as top trial lawyers and have consistently helped our clients recover fair compensation over the years.

We’ll handle every aspect of your case, including:

We know this is your one chance to recover the money you need for medical bills, lost income, and more. Our trusted Hermosa Beach personal injury lawyers know what it takes to get the maximum compensation you deserve. For more information, call us today.

How Common Are Motorcycle Accidents in California?

Motorcycle wrecks are fairly common in California. 

There were a total of 5,516 motorcycle accidents across Los Angeles County between 2021 and 2022. That’s about 15 motorcycle accidents each day.

Those crashes caused at least 1,600 severe injuries. Another 2,336 victims suffered visible injuries, and 1,314 victims complained of pain at the scene. Unfortunately, 266 fatalities were also reported.

What Is My Hermosa Beach Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth?

Many factors can influence how much a case is worth, including:

Understanding your case value is critical to recovering a fair settlement amount. Unfortunately, insurance companies aren’t always straightforward with accident victims. They might even twist the facts to convince you to accept less than you deserve.

Because you only have one chance to recover fair compensation, hiring an experienced lawyer is important. Our lawyers have seen cases similar to yours in the past. We also deal with insurance companies every day–so we know every trick in the book. 

If you were injured, don’t hesitate to reach out to our lawyers in Hermosa Beach today. We’re always here to discuss your motorcycle accident case.

What Types of Damages Are Available to Motorcycle Accident Victims in Hermosa Beach, CA?

In California, injured motorcycle riders can seek compensation for economic damages and non-economic damages. These damages are referred to as your “compensatory damages.” They compensate for the specific losses you suffered due to the accident.

Common examples include:

Punitive damages are only available in rare cases. California courts only award punitive damages to punish a defendant for especially outrageous or malicious acts.

Can I Recover Damages if I’m Being Blamed for Causing a Motorcycle Accident in California?

Your motorcycle accident claim can succeed even if you share some blame for the accident. California has a pure comparative negligence law. With a pure comparative negligence system, each party is assigned a percentage of fault for the accident. Your settlement or verdict is then reduced by that percentage.

The at-fault driver will try to pin as much of the blame on you as possible. Their insurance companies will evaluate the evidence and search for ways to avoid paying a full settlement. When you’re getting blamed for a crash, contact our law offices for a free case review. We can fight unfair allegations that you caused the wreck. 

Our Attorneys in Hermosa Beach Will Fight To Recover Compensation for Each of Your Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcycle wrecks always have the potential to cause devastating injuries. Motorcycle drivers and their passengers tend to suffer the most severe injuries–even when you wear a helmet. If you were a victim, recovering fair compensation can be one of the most important things you ever do.

At The Simon Law Group, we often represent clients in all types of accident cases, including those involving:

Regardless of the type of injuries you’ve sustained, our lawyers in Hermosa Beach are here to help you fight for just compensation.

What Causes Most Motorcycle Accidents in Hermosa Beach, CA?

Motorcycle accidents can happen for all different reasons. They commonly happen when people ignore traffic laws or simply fail to pay attention to road conditions. Drivers in passenger vehicles often fail to watch out for smaller motorcycles on the road.

Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents include the following:

If you were injured in a crash, call our Hermosa Beach motorcycle accident attorneys for legal advice today. Your consultation is completely free of charge, and there’s never an obligation.

How Do I Prove Negligence After a Motorcycle Crash in California? 

California is an at-fault insurance state. In most motor vehicle accident cases, you must prove that the other driver was negligent to recover financial compensation. 

Negligence is a legal term that means something similar to “careless.” All drivers have a duty to use a reasonable amount of caution when they get behind the wheel. 

More specifically, to prove negligence, you must prove:

As the victim, you’ll have to produce evidence to prove each of these elements. The types of evidence that will be useful depends on the circumstances and contested issues.

When we’re building your case, our lawyers will locate and evaluate:

California courts use a “preponderance of the evidence” standard. Your evidence must show that it’s “more likely than not” true that the other party caused the crash.

Our lawyers are experienced in conducting these types of investigations. You can count on us to collect the strong evidence you need to win your case.

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit After a Motorcycle Wreck in California?

The statute of limitations in California is two years. In most personal injury cases, the victim must file a personal injury lawsuit within two years of the accident. After two years pass, you lose your right to seek compensation entirely.

Exceptions apply only in rare cases. It’s best to consult an experienced attorney as quickly as possible after a crash. Taking legal action quickly ensures that you’ll meet the deadline and also gives your lawyer the best chance of locating strong evidence to prove you deserve compensation.

Contact a Hermosa Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Do you have questions about your legal options after a motorcycle wreck? While you’re focused on recovering, an experienced Hermosa Beach motorcycle accident lawyer can work on protecting your right to compensation. Contact any of our locations in Torrance, Hermosa Beach, Santa Ana, Redondo Beach and more today to learn how we can help.

Highly Rated Motorcycle Shops Near Hermosa Beach

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