Torrance Dog Bite Lawyer

Without warning, a dog may attack and bite someone even if the animal has had no prior vicious behavior. The victim is left with painful injuries, scarring, and financial losses. If this has happened to you, California dog bite laws allow for compensation of damages by pursuing a dog bite claim against the dog’s owner or other responsible party.

However, pursuing a dog bite claim can be challenging without legal help. Our Torrance personal injury lawyers at The Simon Law Group have over 250 years of combined experience. We have recovered more than $600 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients. We can help you, too.

Contact our law offices today in Torrance, CA, to schedule a free consultation at (424) 622-0812 with one of our experienced Torrance dog bite lawyers.

How The Simon Law Group Can Help if You’ve Been Bitten by a Dog in Torrance, California

How The Simon Law Group Can Help if You’ve Been Bitten by a Dog in Torrance, California

Being attacked or bitten by a dog is a traumatic experience. The emotional, physical, and financial consequences can be staggering. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can hold the parties responsible for the dog liable for their negligence and wrongdoing.

As a top personal injury law firm in California, our attorneys have won awards for best trial lawyer every year since 2013. Our lawyers are aggressive negotiators and fierce trial attorneys. 

When you hire our top-rated dog bite lawyers in Torrance, you can trust we will:

Our experienced Torrance dog bite attorneys at The Simon Law Group believe that dog owners and other responsible parties should be held accountable when their actions cause someone to be injured. 

If a dog has bitten you or your child, let us fight to get you the compensation you need and deserve. Contact our law firm in Torrance, California, for a free case evaluation. We are available 24/7 to speak with you about your case.

Who Is Responsible for a Dog Bite Injury Claim in Torrance, CA?

Some states have what they call a “one bite rule” that gives a dog a “pass” for the first bite. However, California applies strict liability in dog bite cases. A dog owner can be liable for a victim’s damages if their dog bites the person, even if that is the first time the dog bites someone and/or has never acted aggressively or viciously in the past.

However, for strict liability to apply, you must prove:

Negligence is another legal claim that might apply in some dog bite cases. Negligence is failing to take reasonable care or meet a standard of care owed to another party. Parties who could be liable for a dog bite claim based on negligence include property owners, government entities, business owners, landlords, tenants, dog owners, and other third parties.

The dog owner and the insurance company may try to avoid liability by raising several defenses such as you provoked the dog or you were trespassing. Do not accept liability for a dog bite claim without seeking legal advice. 

Our Torrance dog bite lawyers pursue all parties responsible for causing your injuries while defending you against unjust allegations of fault and other wrongdoing.

Victims Can Sustain Catastrophic Injuries From Dog Bites and Attacks

A dog bite can cause severe damage regardless of the dog’s size. Children and elderly individuals may be more vulnerable to traumatic injuries if they cannot fight off the dog. However, a vicious dog can severely bite, attack, or overwhelm anyone.

Our Torrance dog bite lawyers handle claims involving all types of dog bite injuries, including:

Tragically, dog bites can cause infections and life-threatening conditions. If a person dies because of their injuries, we can help the family file a wrongful death claim against the parties responsible for the dog bite.

What Damages Are Available in California for a Dog Bite Injury Claim?

Dog bites can cause severe injuries, pain, and suffering. That harm is included in the category of non-economic damages. A dog attack can also result in a significant loss of income and medical expenses. Those financial losses are included in the category of economic damages.

California tort law gives you the right to seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages from the parties responsible for your injuries and losses. Examples of economic damages in a dog bite injury claim include:

Examples of non-economic damages in a dog bite injury claim include:

At trial, a jury might order the defendant to pay punitive damages. These damages do not compensate you for your losses, even though you receive the money. Instead, punitive damages are intended to punish a defendant for acting with malice, fraud, or oppression in causing your injury.

What Happens if I’m Partially at Fault for a Dog Biting Me in California?

Dog owners often blame the victims for the dog bite. They allege the victim provoked the animal or they were trespassing. However, being partially to blame does not automatically bar you from recovering damages under California’s pure comparative fault standard.

Instead, a jury must decide your degree of fault for causing the dog bite. Your compensation is reduced by that percentage. For instance, if a jury decides you are 65% at fault for causing the dog to bite you, the court can reduce the damages award by that amount.

Blaming the victim is a common defense used in personal injury cases. Be cautious what you say to an insurance adjuster, as your statement could be taken out of context to imply fault. It is best to let your Torrance personal injury lawyer handle communications with the insurance company and other parties.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Dog Bite Injury Lawyer in Torrance, CA?

Money can be tight after an accident or personal injury. At The Simon Law Group, we understand our clients’ struggles to make ends meet during and after their recovery. However, we believe accident victims should have skilled legal counsel to help them recover a fair settlement for their injury claim.

Our Torrance dog bite lawyers accept claims on a contingency fee basis. Instead of paying our attorneys’ fees when you hire our law firm, you pay nothing until we win money for your case. Therefore, you don’t pay any out-of-pocket attorneys’ fees to hire an experienced dog bite injury lawyer.

Steps To Take After a Dog Bite or Animal Attack in Torrance, CA

The moments after a dog bite are crucial. The steps you take can protect your health and your legal rights. While it may be difficult to think clearly, try to keep the following steps in mind:

Contact our Torrace personal injury law firm for a free consultation as soon as possible after a dog bite. Delays in medical care can hurt your case. Likewise, delays in seeking legal advice could make winning your case more challenging.

What Is the Deadline To File a Dog Bite Injury Claim in Torrance, CA?

Most personal injury claims in California have a two-year statute of limitations, including dog bite cases. Exceptions to the rule and the circumstances of your case could change the deadline. 

Allowing the statute of limitations to expire could result in losing your legal right to pursue a claim. Call our office now to talk with a Torrance personal injury lawyer.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Torrance Dog Bite Lawyers

A dog bite can have life-altering physical and emotional consequences. You deserve to be compensated for the pain and suffering you experienced and the financial losses incurred because of the dog attack. 

Contact The Simon Law Group to request a free case review to discuss your legal options with an experienced Torrance dog bite attorney.